Five questions for Medical Valley EMN – TEAM-X cooperation partner
Why are you involved in TEAM-X as a cooperation partner?
Medical Valley EMN e.V. as a leading international healthcare cluster has set itself the goal of jointly finding solutions to the challenges of healthcare today and tomorrow. One of these challenges (both at EU and national level) is the use of health data. The TEAM-X project promises to implement a trustworthy digital data ecosystem for the development of data-driven business models, products and services as a basis for future-oriented healthcare. TEAM-X addresses and solves not only challenges faced by research and business, but also those faced by citizens. We believe that when it comes to health data, transparency, trust and patient-centeredness are elementary building blocks for widespread acceptance and application. These are precisely the competencies we see at TEAM-X and are therefore part of this great, innovative and forward-looking project.
What is your task?
- Project coordination/project management
- Business model development
- Extension and connection to the MV ecosystem
- Communication/marketing/public relations
What are the biggest challenges?
The challenges lie in the political orientation with regard to the draft laws currently being developed (e.g. EHDS, German Health Data Use Act GDNG): Is a Gaia-X compliant data space or Gaia-X infrastructure being considered by policymakers here?
Also, processing and complying with all existing legal regulations requires significant resources. Furthermore, known hurdles for all projects related to health data are data availability and quality as well as lack of standards and interoperability.
What are the benefits of a Gaia-X compliant data room?
- Better and easier health data exchange for the health and care system
- Improved prevention, predication and personalization of healthcare delivery
- Focus on the individual! – Keyword data sovereignty
What inspires you about Gaia-X?
The possibility of cross-domain data exchange. A European solution that focuses on data protection and data sovereignty in a participatory and open manner. We see the opportunity that the often strict regulations and bureaucratic requirements could become an asset for Europe.
Anna Werner, Lukas Carl & Dorothea Hellerbrand © Medical Valley