Five questions for ProCarement – TEAM-X consortium partner
Why are you part of the TEAM-X consortium?
We at ProCarement see TEAM-X and also the Gaia-X project as a great opportunity to be part of a significant change in the digital infrastructure throughout Europe. We like taking responsibility for innovative changes in the healthcare sector and being part of it from the very beginning.
What is your role?
As a start-up and DiGA manufacturer, we bring in our own products and try to demonstrate in hybrid structures and processes how Gaia-X can revolutionize and simplify the range of digital applications and the associated data flow. Here, we emphasize new business models and the patient-centric approach.
What are the main challenges?
It is very challenging to capture the requirements from all stakeholders, to consider them equally and to build the new structures on these without forgetting or neglecting needs and to pack them into a legally compliant framework.
What are the benefits of a Gaia-X compliant data space?
The simple and fast connection of all actors involved, with simultaneous data security.
What inspires you about Gaia-X?
We see GAIA-X as an opportunity to build a completely new structure, completely independent of the industry. This is very exciting and has great potential, especially to improve healthcare and to focus on people with their wishes and needs.